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Ill get back to you if when I can put my finger on them . lost in a large bookmarks folder. I would imagine there is a template pro forma out there somewhere to use as a starting point. Local conditions and needs should be your main guide though. Good luck. Check with the Canadian Federation of Municipalities. They have or had a program supporting municipal governments on the development of climate change action plans. International Extinction RebellionNTERNATIONAL signup. We Declare: International Non Violent Rebellion Against the Worlds Governments for Criminal Inaction on the Ecological Crisis. MK 10: Pat Michaels lied to congress when he testified about climate change. He showed just one of the three scenarios James Hansen had tried in a modeling paper, the highest end one, and claimed that because the climate didnt match that, Hansens model was worthless.

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If youre not sure what to do next, or if you have any questions, please talk to your departmental staff, who will be happy to help you. We understand that results time can be difficult or disappointing, and supportive staff in our student wellbeing service are on hand to talk through any other issues you might have. The service is based within the student services hub. You may also want to contact SU Advice, which provides expert and independent advice on the University policies and procedures as a free service to all students. If youre a final year student and have been offered reassessment, the exam board will assess your results once youve resat your exams and/or resubmitted coursework to decide whether or not youve passed. If you have passed, and youre eligible for a degree, you will receive your degree in September for summer reassessment or February for January reassessment.

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You can easily learn the mechanics of basic Bayesian analysis by looking up articles on the Prisoners Paradox. I will proceed directly to our model general election problem:Should I a given Sandernista and/or Democratic Party voter vote for Hillary Clinton, or not vote for Hillary Clinton, if the general election is a Clinton versus Trump race?A not vote means to instead vote for a third party candidate, or write in a candidate on your ballot, or abstain from voting for the presidency. We identify two mutually exclusive actions: vote for Hillary Clinton vote H, and not vote for Hillary Clinton vote not H. The probability of an H win is designated by the letter p. The quantity p is an as yet uncertain number whose magnitude lies between zero a certainty of a T win and one a certainty of an H win. Because the probabilities of an H win and T win must add up to unity, the uncertain probability of a T win is the quantity 1 p. Since we have two actions vote H, vote not H and two general outcomes H win, T win there are four possible specific or personal outcomes:D1: vote H, and H win,D2: vote H, and T win,D3: vote not H, and H win,D4: vote not H, and T win. For example, I might decide that voting H and having a T win would rate on my personal desirability scale at 1000!You can use any numbers positive or negative you like for your personal subjective values D1, D2, D3 and D4 for the four objective outcomes. Recall that specific probabilities for vote H are: p for an H win, and 1 p for a T win. Recall that specific probabilities for vote not H are: p H win, and 1 p T win. My actions in a voting booth will not alter the actions of millions of other voters in their voting booths, so p is independent of what I or any other single voter does.

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In its 1966 declaration on professional ethics, the American Association of University Professors, the professoriates representation organization, states: "Professors, guided by a deep conviction of the worth and dignity of the advancement of knowledge, recognize the special responsibilities placed upon them. They hold before them the best scholarly and ethical standards of their discipline. They acknowledge significant academic or scholarly assistance from their students. "Notwithstanding such pronouncements, higher education recently has provided the public with a series of ethical solecisms, most spectacularly the University of Colorado professor Ward Churchills recidivistic plagiarism and duplicitous claim of Native American ancestry along with his denunciations of 9/11 victims. While plagiarism and fraud presumably remain exceptional, accusations and complaints of such wrong doing increasingly come to light. Some examples include Demas v. Levitsky at Cornell, where a doctoral student filed a legal complaint against her advisers failure to acknowledge her contribution to a grant proposal; Professor C. William Kauffmans complaint against the University of Michigan for submitting a grant proposal without acknowledging his authorship; and charges of plagiarism against by Louis W. Roberts, the now retired classics chair at the State University of New York at Albany. Additional plagiarism complaints have been made against Eugene M. Tobin, former president of Hamilton College, and Richard L.

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